Art is Healing- a Haiku Poem in 8 Chapters
Part 1
Chapter 1 - The Artist Creates
Art tenderizes.
The artist takes notice of
matters of the heart.
Life explodes everywhere.
The power of each moment
No longer mundane.
An artist reveals
the treasures. Touches deeply
what's closed off inside.
Chapter 2- Power Seekers Take
Our minds colonized:
Art now for professionals
Noticing, a luxury.
Art is for everyone
Noticing, a birthright
Picked from our pocket.
Space to appreciate
Wonder, marvel, and delight
in everyday's pleasure.
Chapter 3- Distanced From Ourselves
Instead we grind on.
Hoping to relax later.
Consume instead of create.
Don't share collectively.
Don't know your joy and power.
Leave it to the pros.
Art becomes a job.
The masses stay consumers
distanced from our hearts.
Part 2
Chapter 4- Distanced From Eachother
Only a brave few.
Now dependent on patrons
We are separated.
We judge and critique.
Consume instead of create.
Forget how to play.
Maybe artist gets caught
in the web of survival.
Art becomes the grind.
Chapter 5- Homecoming Becomes The Path
Oh! The sad heartbreak
of the artist who must choose.
No longer a passion.
Some find a way through.
Energy spent to return home.
The journey is rough.
We watch from a distance.
The numb love a good drama.
We consume the tragedy.
Chapter 6- We Must Reconnect
Everything you seek
is right there inside of you.
Look in to break out.
So much life in there.
Waiting to be discovered.
Now reconnected.
Time slows and expands.
A feast of sensation here.
No longer starving.
Chapter 7- A Balm to Heal Wounds
Slowed down you notice.
Take time to look around you.
Feel the joy and pain.
Share vulnerably.
Inhale. Exhale. Express.
Celebrate together.
Art, art is healing.
As powerful as the doctor
Your own medicine.
Chapter 8- Community Expression
Art is for everyone.
You don't have to be good enough.
Reclaim your own health.
Share in community.
Treasure being together.
In joy and in pain.
Reclaim collective power
Decolonize yourself.
Slow down and be healed.
Epilogue - As One We Are Free